'And what if I can fly?' is our morning creative workshop on Saturday 31 July, led by APCCA Practitioner member Nicky Tsierkezou.

Peacefully following and journeying on a full guided meditation into ‘And what if I can fly?’ deepening the interconnection of your soul, mind and body.

Travelling into deep awareness through your senses, each person's experience is unique, a place of flow.

A space for Creative expression, your unique imagination and your personal link with nature. Create freely, deepening into your pure essence and limitless possibilities, hearing, feeling, seeing your image of 'And what if I can fly?'

Book Now

No art experience needed

Bring along your own selection of materials to work with (any art medium that you have to hand):
Pencils, Pens, Paint, Chalks, Pastels, Paper, Card, Canvas, Paintbrushes, Palette knife, Cotton buds, Fabric, Sparkles

Time and space to immerse into your unique creative blueprint, creativeness is pure medicine for the mind, body and soul.

There is no right or wrong way, enjoy the experiential expression in the moment. Allow more freedom, wisdom, healing and a deep connection to self and your inner light.

Be you, be free, shine

In small groups, a gentle time for sharing your unique Creative piece 'And what if I can fly?' A space for intuitive reflections all through the image work. Coming together, sharing each others experiences, insight and individual creative pieces.

Magic just happens ...

Book Now

APCCA Members - £15

Non-Members - £30

This workshop will run from 10.00am to 12.30pm, giving us a lunchbreak from 12.30-1.30pm before the APCCA Summer Online Practice and Networking event begins.

ASSOCIATION FOR PERSON CENTRED CREATIVE ARTS LTD is registered in England and Wales under company number 12397019 at 101a Crow Green Road Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood, Essex, United Kingdom, CM15 9RP.
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