Join Callie for a half-day playshop where you get to focus on your authentic life, and your ideal outcomes for 2022.

Most of us have fleeting ideas of what we want to Be, Do, or Have in our lives. But these ideas remain just that: fleeting. After all, who has the time to intentionally get clear about WHAT we want to create for ourselves?

Well, everyone from Katy Perry to Oprah Winfrey swears they have intentionally created outcomes by using a simple tool: a vision board.  Yes, you read that right: a vision board is a fabulous way to sell your own ideas to yourself, to anchor to your dreams, and to allow the magic of manifestation to work in your life … finally!

As someone who has made my own vision boards for years (and creatively envisioned - and received - amazing results) I’ve learned that its so much more than simply cutting out pretty pictures from magazines and gluing them to a board.

It’s about getting clear on your authentic life. Letting go of what’s in the way. Then, and only then, can you begin to creatively envision your year ahead while connecting to your dreams, and designing a vision that really speaks to you.

That’s why I’m leading this Get Ready to Creatively Envision Your 2022 vision board playshop … to give you the space you need to intentionally define your dreams, envision your year ahead ... and create a vision board that will effortlessly attract your ideal outcomes to you in 2022.


You will receive:

- an afternoon of breathing room and creative time … the very thing you keep promising yourself you will have, but never get round to doing!

- support to creatively envision what you really want  … time for clarity; no more settling for living someone else’s dreams

- space and time to map out your ideal outcomes in each area of your life

- an opportunity to connect with like-minded souls … no Negative-Nellies permitted, sorry!

- a method to clear out the natural ‘gunk’ that arises … yes, it’s time to let it all go

- time to begin working on your very own Vision Board to effortlessly and creatively attract your dream outcomes for 2022

As this playshop will be run online, please make sure you have a few supplies to hand: old magazines/images, scissors, some form of PVA glue or glue-stick, spreader and container (for PVA glue), some form of base for your vision board (large cereal packets work well, or the side of a medium-sized box). Optional: a photograph of yourself.

Tickets available here:


£25.00 for APCCA members - please use code 'APCCA'

ASSOCIATION FOR PERSON CENTRED CREATIVE ARTS LTD is registered in England and Wales under company number 12397019 at 101a Crow Green Road Pilgrims Hatch, Brentwood, Essex, United Kingdom, CM15 9RP.
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